
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

haley hits it out of the park.

Travis and I are super proud of Haley this week.  School has been tough with everything that has taken place since last fall.  We've all experienced a lot of loss, but Haley has certainly been impacted the most. 

She had asked to go to Britney's birthday over the weekend.  With Travis in the hospital, I honestly wasn't sure how we were going to work everything out, but she was pretty sure she could get a ride from Britney's mom.  The day of the party I messaged to see if they were picking her up and what time she would be leaving.  

She has started having dreams of pages and pages of homework flying in the air behind her chasing her.  When I got home from the hospital on Monday night, we pulled up her homework on the online grade book and looked at the missing assignments together.  Then Haley pulled together this incredible plan for knocking it out.  It was super aggressive, and I tried to caution her not to take off too much in one day.  I didn't want her rushing through for the sake of getting it done and then missing the point of the assignment, or doing so much that she overwhelmed herself.  She wanted to stick with the plan, though.  

We created a visual on a dry erase board so she could see her progress and know how close she was to getting the flying homework off her back. 

The pictures aren't great, but you can see that in just a few days she was already getting green check marks all over the board.  We know this hasn't been easy, but Travis and I are just so proud of her!  Our friends and family have been incredible, too.  When I post her successes on Facebook, people share in our pride and reach out to congratulate her and tell her just how fantastic she is. 

As hard as everything has been, I just continue to be so grateful for the friends and family who reach out to support us in a million different ways. 

Great job, Haley!