
Sunday, April 7, 2013

we have color!

today travis looks so much better.

last night was my first night to sleep at the house instead of the hospital.  we were worried about haley and wanted to make sure she knew everything is really okay with travis. 

i spent the morning cleaning our house {and putting a way the millions, or so it seemed, of pill bottles, boxes, and concoctions that haley and travis have been prescribed over the past few months}.  i put a lot of things into the recycling bin because it felt like paper was stacking up all over the house.

i made french toast dumplings and scrambled eggs for haley and fixed myself a shake.  i miss my shakes.

i headed back up to the hospital a little later and was excited to see that travis finally has a little color.  i had a picture i was going to share, but deleted it by accident.  i'm just so glad to see even tiny bits of improvement with travis.

thanks to everyone who has been thinking and praying for us.  please continue to ask that travis would find relief from the pain so that we can be back home. 

**Sunday night update: Earlier today the GI on-call let us know the meds aren't working the way the doctors would expect them to work and Travis's pain level is much higher than they would expect. This doesn't mean anything is wrong -- all of his tests come back fine. They are still taking good care of him, and he is comfortable. It just means we have some important decisions to make over the next few days concerning his treatment moving forward and have a little bit of studying to do. Pray that we will make the best decisions for him. I know I've been bombarding you with a lot of updates over the past week; thanks for checking on us and praying for us.

The doctor who came in today actually got Travis really upset.  His bedside manner was nothing like the other doctors who are part of Adult Gastroenterology.  Travis's blood pressure went up and he told the nurses not to let that doctor back in his room.  It was the same guy I talked to on the phone Saturday morning to find out if we should have Travis back in the hospital so soon, or if he was experiencing symptoms they would expect him to experience.  He was so rude and condescending during that phone call as if I was wasting his time -- which is exactly what I was trying to avoid.  I didn't want to have him at the hospital, if they were going to send him back home.